Cant Save Project Design And Print Online Images Wont Load Past 99percent
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Can't Save Project Design & Print Online - Images Won't Load Past 99%

There are occasionally issues with projects that were created in previous versions of Design & Print.  These include not being able to save a project or images not loading past 99%.  
Deleting and re-inserting the images may solve this issue.  

When your project is open - after clicking on the Save button (top right of the screen)
You should see the following box appear: Options to save
User-added image

If you're using images in your project - try to delete them and save the rest of your design
 - If your project is able to save after deleting the images:Convert the image file to a different file format. Then add the new image and attempt to save the project

User-added image 
You can also upload images directly to your account by clicking on the Files tab and selecting Upload File  
User-added image

When designing and adding the images to your project- search for the files saved in My Account

Try switching to a different internet browser - Chrome is the most compatible browser to use with
(Project design will be lost)
If Chrome is already being used - try clearing your Browsing Data - beginning of time / close out of all pages / open a new page to make a new connection with our site (Project design will be lost)

You can try going to projects and instead of opening, select Apply a design to another product and use the same template number and see if that works.

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